Will Wright talks "Spore" and the evolution of game design
While waiting for my AirCare passage ($45 for a 20-second diagnostic? That's $8100/hr by my count!) I was listening to Q on CBC Radio and today's episode had a cool interview with Will Wright, designer of SimCity (now open source!), The Sims and the upcoming Spore, hailed as perhaps the most anticipated video game of all time (By who? I don't know.) In it, he discusses a lot of his ideas surrounding his unique approach to Game Design, widening gamer demographics and the new experience of emergence in the gaming experience (or something like that.)
Is a fun listen for anyone who's interested in video game design, or all the new kinds of video game style that are emerging these days, with the Wii and such. Have a listen to it here.
Is a fun listen for anyone who's interested in video game design, or all the new kinds of video game style that are emerging these days, with the Wii and such. Have a listen to it here.